Arrrr hiyas blogsphere!
After many blogs read and followed and with much persuasion from kleebelle I have decided to start a blog. Mainly because klee decides to post the very worst photos of me on her blog anyway so i figured how much worse could it get!
I thought i would take this opportunity to let you all know a little bit about me. I'm 23, I work for a major supermarket's car insurance call centre, and basically spend the majority of my time here! When I'm not at work i spend my spare time trying in vain to tidy my flat (although I've owned it for over a year i still struggle with simple domestic tasks, i.e doing washing before i get to the point of no clothes.) attempting to bake cakes (I'm ok with little ones but giant cupcakes i cannot yet master or in fact get out of the bloody tin) and drinking/dancing. I obviously also have a ridiculous make up addiction, however i bite my nails so they're not so interesting and as I'm so pale I'm see-through, i have an ongoing fake tan saga, always struggling to find the perfect fake tan!
Here is a picture of my face for you to look at, please note the colour difference between my face and arm; the aforementioned struggle continues.